Scrumpy Cider
Let’s just take a second to dispel a myth or two about what Scrumpy Cider actually is. Traditionally speaking, Scrumpy Cider is a rustic British style of farmhouse cider.
Scrumpy Cider
Charming as it is, the above is a pretty loose definition these days. In practice, Scrumpy refers to a cider that has been made locally - usually in Somerset - without too many airs and graces. Despite its reputation for being super-boozy, many Scrumpy Ciders are beautifully balanced and not too strong, as you’ll soon find out when you buy from our online shop. So, it’s not all bog-eyed west country farmers, ruddy cheeked and loose-lipped from a good sousing, although let’s not kid ourselves, they’re out there, having a whale of a time. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.